Tempel der Ausgeglichenheit

Temple Meditations
Cosmic crystal ball of the 12 initiation temples
This e-book introduces 13 temple meditations such as bliss or total unity. Together with the Archangels and Ascended Masters we journey into the etheric realms of these high vibrational places. Among others, Archangel Michael, Metatron, the Lichtschoff commander Asonai Ashtar, Master Kuthumi and Master Kumeka will be there. The participants receive high-vibration gifts, such as the eight of infinity, with which we can bless and energetically charge rooms, places and regions.
If you have a crystal, you can hold it during meditation, allowing high vibrational frequencies, codes and energies to flow into the crystal from the temple of all-encompassing oneness. The transmitted knowledge of the blue-gold infinity symbol, the lying 8, will usually “unpack” itself in the coming days and weeks.
The e-book contains links 13 animated video meditations accompanied by music for online streaming for 1 year:
Invitation from Adonai Ashtar to the temple training 24:29 min.
1. Temple of Balance 30:30 min.
2. Temple of Bliss 42:00 min.
3. Temple of Crystal Technology 24:22 min.
4. Temple of Pure Truth 29:05 min.
5.Temple of Nature Codes23:55 min.
6. Temple of Unconditional Love 35:17 min.
7. Temple of Higher Perception 47:18 min.
8. Temple of All-encompassing Truth 34:08 min.
9.Temple of Joyous Service24:28 mins.
10. Temple to Higher Dimension 44:55 min.
11. Temple of the Divine Feminine 24:57 min.
12. Temple of the Ninth Dimensional Master Light 50:58 min.
Scope: 43 pages DIN A4 in pdf format for immediate download plus the above-mentioned meditation links
each individual meditation has a value of about 20 to 35 euros, which corresponds to about 360 euros
Reduced introductory price of the complete package.
EUR 179 (instead of 299) incl. VAT (D) - other countries may vary
Payment is processed via DigiStore24. Seller: Heike Michaelsen, New Zealand – imprint
Tempeleinweihungsreise 2025
Tempeleinweihungsreise 2025

Hörprobe und Einleitung zur Tempelmeditation der Ausgeglichenheit

02 Tempel der Glückseligkeit 🍀

01 Tempel der Ausgeglichenheit mit dem Yin-Yang-Symbol und Meister Kuthumi

0 Einladung von Adonai Ashtar
Serafinas Einladung in die Göttliche Universität
Der Tempelkurs kann optional erweitert werden um die Einweihungsreise in die Göttliche Universität, die Serafina, eine der 144 Serafim, durchführt. In dieser Reise erhältst du deinen persönlichen Stern, den du spirituell nutzen kannst.
Stream Serafina
Stream Serafina

Serafinas Göttliche Universität Medition mit Musikausklang

Einleitung Kosmische Universitäten

Serafinas Gesang

Kosmische Aufstiegscodes 999Hz

Die sieben Kosmischen Gesetze
sample video
Introduction to the e-book of the 12 temples of initiation
Balance is a cornerstone of a peaceful life. In this meditation we visit the Temple of Balance where we are given tools and light codes to lead a more harmonious life. This meditation was inspired by the book "The Ascension of Earth and Humanity" by Diana Cooper. The following video is the prelude to the12 Temple Meditations.
Preparation for meditation:
Find a quiet place where you can relax
If you like, light a candle as a symbol of your inner light
If you have, take a crystal ball in your left or right hand into which the light codes of meditation can flow.
Duration of the meditation: about 25 minutes
Note: the temple mediation of balance does not require any ups or downs. It is neither spectacular nor unspectacular. It comes along very calmly... without bimborium, without great excitement, emotions... neither dramatic nor excessive. This meditation is about the very calm center. A kind of trickling into our soul-body-spirit system, like a gentle summer rain.
Heartfelt thanks to Master Kuthumi, Archangel Michael, Spirit World, Heavenly Father, Earth Mother and their Angels for their wonderful energy of balance that they have sent to us in this video. Many thanks also to you, for being there and for your work on earth. 💜
Dear Heike, wonderful meditation, I could feel my two energies and feel and visualize the balance that is natural. Thank you, this exercise helps to remember this moment in critical moments and to come back to our center more easily. Thanks! - Elly
Temple of Bliss - Excerpt from the Temple Meditations
Knowledge instead of belief - happiness meditation 💕
The mastery of our life always leads through contentment and happiness. This is our natural state when we are in alignment with the Divine. The most important thing in everything is not only the belief, but the knowledge that the universe supports us completely in all areas. Some passages of the meditation are based on the book "The Ascension of Earth and Humanity" by Diana Cooper. The meditation is an excerpt from the 12 Initiation Temple Meditations. If you want to watch this and other temple meditations in full length then klicke here.
Temple of the Higher Dimensions - Excerpt from the Temple Meditations
Meditation to connect with the higher dimensions 💕
A whole new cycle begins in the Temple of the Higher Dimension, similar to a new moon or a portal day cycle of the Mayan calendar. We pass through a gateway that leads to other higher dimensions where the realms of elementals, star siblings, unicorns, angels, elves and other elementals reside. Some passages of the meditation are based on the book "The Ascension of Earth and Humanity" by Diana Cooper. This individual meditation is an excerpt from the12 Initiation Temple Meditations. If you would like to watch this and other temple meditations in full length, then clickhere for the temple meditation ebook.
Feedback on Higher Dimension Meditation
The experience I was allowed to have surpasses anything I can put into words. I haven't quite landed back in the here and now. May all the light, wisdom and infinite love inspire me and everyone who is allowed to have this experience to spread it more and more here. My heartfelt thanks, Heike and all masters and angels. jolie
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the star peoples video. It came to me a day after intuitively meditating on my Star Family. I received information that I could hardly believe at first. It is special how your videos confirm my visions, information and inspirations at the same time. This makes me feel very connected to you and I have the feeling that I have known you for a long time. The enormous, deep knowledge that you share in your videos sounds familiar somewhere deep inside me and makes me remember. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. I'm glad you brought the "Cosmic University" to Earth. I'm very interested and excited to see how it develops. It reminds me that about ten years ago I ran a "Telepathic University" night after night. I had no idea at the time what that meant. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't have the courage. I'm glad you have the courage to speak up about all the topics you share with us in your videos Best regards from Bern Ruth
In deep gratitude I send my light and my love to you and all siblings, angels and ascended masters. A wonderful experience that I cannot put into words. Thank you Heike for bringing the cosmic university to earth. I am grateful and look forward to the new era. Greetings from Braunschweig Ilona
Dear Heike, I am so infinitely grateful for this meditation! So fulfilled, happy and still full of wonder. Many tears flowed and I felt, now I know, that everything will be fine. Greetings to you, the spiritual world and my cosmic family, Heike
Dear Heike, I simply don't have the words to express what I felt. The sound of your voice, your words, the soft accompanying music, I am deeply touched, I felt so comfortable and at home. Tears ran down from sheer happiness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this with us! Ulrike
I actually feel different than before, calm and blissful within me. As if a great deal of pressure had been lifted from me and I can now walk with absolute ease and fulfill my luminous task. I was allowed to go into this metamorphosis with such loving company and always felt protected and held. Thank you Heike, thank you father and thank you to all my siblings and beings of light. It's wonderful to finally see this big family again. Marina
Dear Heike, thank you very much for this wonderful meditation. It was an indescribable energy, so much touching, gratitude and a deep connection. At the end of the meditation, a small white feather sailed into my flower box right outside my window. That brought me to tears again. Love, Bettina
Words cannot describe what I experienced in this meditation. I still get goosebumps just thinking about it. It was so unbelievable, I'm still flashing, infinitely grateful. Getty
Dear Heike, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this meditation on the last day of the walk on the Rhine. Now my task is clear to me. It's so wonderful and I wouldn't trade with anyone in the world. Now I know why it all took so long. The door had to open first. Everything is so clear now. Thank you for your guidance on this journey. Patricia
Thank you very much, dear Heike, for your blessings. A wonderful meditation that gave me joy, strength and confidence. Sonya
Dear Heike, for me it was a very touching meditation. I felt very connected to the place I was in. It felt like home. The message I received was love & healing. Thank you very much for that. Sonja
Dear Heike, during your meditation I felt growing bliss and love for the angelic dimension, tears ran down my cheeks as they welcomed me back into their world....in humility, love and gratitude for your wonderful BEING here. Burkhild
Dear soul siblings, dear Heike! Thank you very much for all the gifts I have been able to receive lately. You are an earth angel for our world! My joy, the deep gratitude, the knowledge that I carry everything within me gives me peace and happiness. To feel this is just such a great and rich gift from God! I am so happy to fulfill my soul mission, because it contains what the earth, the people and the BIG ALL need so urgently! I just go step by step....leave my steps to my guide and my divine team. And now, to be supported with all these divine energies....is just such a wonderful and valuable gift again! Many thanks to you, dear Heike, for being SUCH, your work and your so natural, light-filled way! Thank you that you exist and thank you also for the divine support from the cosmic world, all ascended masters, star siblings and angelic beings! Be blessed ! GOD IS ALL IN ME! NAMASTE Annett
Thank you dear Heike! Wonderful! It was very touching to meet my cosmic family again... seeing more and more clearly. Thanks to you and the spiritual world! gerald
The meditation was like visiting heaven🌟🌟🌟I can't thank you enough. Beate
Dear Heike, I lack the words to describe what I experienced, thank you wonderful soul from the bottom of my heart for taking us to these heavenly dimensions. For me it was swinging and flowing and indescribable moments of recognition and of BEING united. So many, in gratitude, Monika
Thank you ❤️ Immeasurable, indescribable, wide, infinite, perfect, happy, sooooo grateful ❤️ Doris
Feedback on the nature temple meditation
Thank you dear Heike, the meditation is sooooo beautiful. I have asked the elementals to help me plant my garden in a way that they feel comfortable in. There shall be trees in it and shrubs and a place to sit under a large walnut tree that is already there. And of course flowers. There are a lot of bees here, it's buzzing incessantly. Now I just want tips on how to create the garden according to sacred geometry.
Joy, happiness for this touching vibrational light contribution, of nature, wish us all a blessed, resurrection feast; I see these subtle beings in a round ball of light or disc, man also calls them orbs, I wear a beautiful shell, where this sacred geometry is contained, love, grateful heart hug, Juerg
Just wonderful, dear Heike, thank you very much and have a nice Easter holiday. Petra
Dear Heike, I'm in the wonderful nature every day, whatever the weather and holy tree forests Thank you for your high being and knowledge, what you pass on to us 🌷🙏💝 Wish you a fulfilled, blessed Easter time 🐰 Irmi
That's why I've always loved nature and have had dogs and cats and horses for decades... I always thought to myself how people know what trolls, dwarves, elves, dragons look like... if they don't exist! Even ! Bridget
Beautiful meditation in the temple with nature codes. I felt totally in this natural vibration. DEAR E. HEIKE, I am infinitely grateful to you for the knowledge that you impart to us. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️ A wonderful time sincerely María Theresia
Thank you very much dear Heike. It was so wonderful. I couldn't close your eyes because the video was so beautiful. I'm totally lost in it. Petra
It was wonderful. Thank you very much. And have a nice time. Regine
Just wow the meditation has become beautiful and fulfilling, you feel very comfortable with the nature of the music, you have a very beautiful talent dear Heike and thank you very much for your benevolent devotion and it is also very valuable and inspiring, Simone
Dearest Heike...this nature meditation is so beautiful...I am so deeply moved, tears are running down my cheeks I feel very connected...thanks dear to you and all nature and elemental beings, Silvia
I'm still full. I was especially taken by the blue/green light of the angel of nature, who poured his magical essence over me and created a magical place. How nice…. That also inspired me creatively and I'm excited to see how it will turn out in material terms. Thank you Luisa
You have just fulfilled my heart's desire, dear Heike, this nature meditation is a wonderful Easter present for me, Gabriele
Heartfelt thanks, dear Heike, for this magical meditation. I was there with my whole being and am in absolute harmony and with all my love one with Mother Earth and her natural beings. In deep peace and totally relaxed. Renate
Dear Heike, thank you for the meditation codes of nature beings. We would be happy to send you a donation. I appreciate your contributions very much. You are the best in the spiritual realm that I have come across. Your clarity, wisdom and loving nature always give me courage and confidence in these difficult times. As you mentioned, old patterns come back strongly to me. So yesterday I needed a lot of relaxation in nature. On an old rootstock that I can ask for "advice", I received the answer that in order to vibrate higher it is necessary to let the roots grow deeper into the earth, which can also be associated with pain and sadness. In addition, I saw a small heart with wings and that it was the heart that vibrated higher, not the head, or that the heart was now taking the lead. Communicating with this rootstock has calmed me down and given me strength, just like you did with your videos. I also thank you for everything you bring out into the world and wish you only the best. Kind regards, Susanna. May all beings be happy.
Dear Heike, I listened to your natural temple meditation yesterday before falling asleep. My eyes closed, but she was so wonderful that I had to hear her a second time. Nature and especially the forest fascinates me so much. I live in the mountains where the forests are really almost untouched.
A lot of wild animals live there. They come to our farm at night. And for a long time I have wished so deeply to be able to perceive nature's beings more. Thanks to your suggestions yesterday, I might be able to open my senses more to beings. Every day I'm in the woods with my dog several times, but maybe I'm just walking through too unconsciously. Thank you, my love, and I wish you the best of luck. Because that's really my biggest wish