The Halls of Amenti
The hidden spaces of InnerEarth
In this e-book we visit the secret halls of Amenti hidden deep within the earth.
We connect and with the highest energy ever created in the Golden Ages,
the Mahatma energy of the Avatars and Ascended Masters.
Bonus links to animated musical meditations to stream online
1. Visiting the Halls of Amenti where we will receive an Ascension Gift. 31:16 min.
2. Bonus: Light Matrix Activation with Ashtar and the Archangels - with Light Language. 18:18 mins.
3. Bonus: Astral Travel to the Lemurian Rose Temple with the Soul Sisters 1:38:17
Scope: approx. 20 pages DIN A4 in pdf format for immediate download.
plus links to animated videos with music for streaming (videos not for download)
The e-book has not yet been edited and proofread. For this reason it is offered with bonus material at a discounted pre-sale price of:EUR 29.99 incl. VAT (D)- other countries may vary
Payment is processed via DigiStore24. Seller: Heike Michaelsen Parawdise LP – imprint
Feedback on other eBooks:
Dear Heike! It was an unbelievable meditation... I've never experienced it with such intensity 🙏🙏🙏, not even close... a wonderful gift and a heart "obligation" glz. Awakening, remembering, transforming,...expanding,....being placed in its "true place",....I AM someone else now🙏🙏🙏,..activating to the highest degree💎💎💎 A THANK YOU is modest...it was GIVEN to an extent. I'm sure it will become even clearer to me later💎💎💎 A Kana keya. You are a sweetheart... mobile, with legs and wings,...on the move horizontally U vertically...everywhere! 🙏🙏 Heart hug 💞 May everyone do their "job", .. be the heart. Also "sow & see" , the same, a revelation,... the "Eye of God" better perceiving. Thanks!!! gerald