Process of soul talk
During the soul talk, people are encouraged to follow the call of their own soul. A soul conversation is also often referred to as soul coaching, but I see such a conversation more at eye level, where soul friends meet and it's about living your own inner soul voice.
What does a "soul coach" do?
A soul coach encourages people to live what the soul desires. However, this can only happen when the human being has decided to do so with the power of his free will. So he himself must first make the binding choice of WANTING to live the various aspects of the soul. This often means that almost all areas of life can turn 180 degrees:
instead of illness, there is health
instead of an unpleasant or acceptable money-making job, the true vocation is lived
instead of frustrating, failing relationships, the focus is on loving each other
instead of problems, there are solutions
and much more…
The condition
In addition to the decision to make a clear "YES, I WANT" to yourself or to your SELF, the actual prerequisite for salvation is letting go of the old... letting go of unhappy relationships, letting go of unpleasant activities, letting go of unhealthy eating habits, letting go from everything that is not good for you and does not feel good…. to then go your own way with a courageous heart... independent of others... and self-sufficient!
When is a soul coach useful?
Most people who seek out a soul coach have already experienced that they (often involuntarily) have had to let go a lot because the old things in their lives just don't work or no longer work. Emptiness and disorientation often arise at first. Thus, people are at a point where the old has broken away, but the new has not yet been recognized or integrated. Mostly these people want to start over but don't know how?
This is when a soul coach can help. At this point, however, it should be mentioned that a good soul coach cannot have the individual solutions ready, because these are only hidden in the questioner himself. This is not only a good thing, it is even the prerequisite for treading one's own soul path. The questioner is the only person who has access to this individual inner knowing. The soul coach does not say which way to go or what the next step is. Rather, a soul coach can look together with the questioner to see which options are currently revealed to him. He encourages the other person to get in touch with themselves and to follow the feelings that feel good, even if they "seem" to lead into a vacuum without a false bottom. The soul coach should have already walked his own heart path. From his own experience, he knows that when people follow their own soul, they are carried by it and can advance into blissful areas that were previously unimaginable.
Desires of the soul (examples)
The house of the soul (and also of the spirit) is the body - the purer and healthier the body is, the clearer the spirit and soul can be perceived. The soul (the wisdom of the human child) wishes to live in a pure body, free from impurities and blockages, so that soul & spirit can work in harmony and free from physical ailments. However, it is not about being perfect, because this is a year-long journey that involves making improvements step by step.
The vocation – The soul wishes to live its own vocation. She wishes that you not only hear the call of the soul, but also put it into practice and live what is your very own destiny, which deeply fulfills your soul. Usually there is not just one calling, but several areas of the heart that want to be discovered bit by bit.
Loving Relationships - The soul desires an environment of loving people and positive relationships. As unbelievable as it sounds, this is the greatest challenge for most people, as it means that unwanted and destructive relationships are let go, e.g. in close circles of friends, in couples or with family (Letting go can also mean that one goes to peace with unpleasant situations and may no longer expose oneself to them. Sometimes, looking back, one even feels a deep recognition and gratitude).
Abundance - If we follow the soul path, the soul feels fulfilled. Fulfillment on the inside automatically brings with it abundance on the outside. Abundance thus arises as a kind of side effect when the wishes and visions of the pure spirit and the true soul are fulfilled through the corresponding action carried out. If the soul feels fulfilled, this fullness is automatically reflected on the outside. This is a universal natural law or one of the seven cosmic or hermetic laws that work on earth (the law of correspondence: as inside, so outside).
These are just a few aspects, albeit the most important, that souls desire. If you too desire the fulfillment of your soul's desires (which paradoxically is impossible since the soul and its desires are infinite, ever thriving and ever changing) and you choose to do so, wholeheartedly, by the power of your free will and are willing to give it all in to take action, it can be helpful to be encouraged to take the next steps...preferably from someone who has already walked this path.
How do I recognize a good soul coach?
A good soul coach should have their own personal experience in these areas and have gone through the process of soul healing themselves (although this path does not end for anyone, but is always infinite). If someone promises you in advance that they can help you in any case, you have to be careful, because the only person who can really help you is yourself. Everything else usually leads to dependencies.
Know that your soul would always and naturally love to communicate directly with you... whatever it does, you just don't perceive or take in the information yourself at the moment, or only to a limited extent. That this is the case is, of course, the aim of soul-talks in general. It needs rest and stillness, lived and loved meditations, and nature...e.g. the forest with deep breathing exercises...connections with big strong trees...etc.
The goal of freedom
The aim of every soul coach should therefore always be to "only" temporarily encourage, so that everyone can find their own soul coach within themselves (help for self-help). Creating a dependency is far from a good soul coach. Some soul coaches can be found on the internet and there are even people who offer soul coach training. In my opinion, however, one cannot be trained by another person to become a soul coach, since this training can only be carried out by one's own soul. A soul coach does not coach the soul either, but inspires another person with their own example to penetrate more consciously into the depths of the body-soul/heart-spirit unity, to get involved in it in order to be able to discover the infinite and unconditional self-love in it.
The plan
There is no plan, but instead there is inner wise guidance, since everything can only arise from the here and now, but not from the dead past or the future that will never take place. Only in the present are there joyful paths to ever-changing desires and visions. If we spoke of a goal/plan earlier, it is ultimately and always to listen to your inner voice and trust your soul/intuition to recognize yourself as the infinitely and unconditionally loving and beautiful being, that we have always been, are and will be.
If you would like a personal consultation with me, then use the following link to send me initial information about what you want to be about.
Process example:
During the "soul talk" I often receive information that your soul wants to bring into your consciousness. If your soul does not succeed in bringing it directly into your consciousness, it often chooses the "detour" via another soul that is receptive to it.
In terms of content, it can make sense that past information is only included to a limited extent, as this is sometimes not constructive or can even have an energy-sapping effect. This usually comes out very quickly in the conversation. Then it is sometimes better to switch to the energy draining energies of the present.
costs / energy balance
The introductory talk via zoom usually lasts 1 to 1.5 hours and is charged according to the current hourly rate.
If you are interested in an interview, please contact me using the following form (currently only on the waiting list):
Request waiting list
If you would like to be on the waiting list, please send an e-mail with the subject soul talk to imimprintlisted email address.