Now as an e-book
You may have already heard that my many raw food websites have been deleted from the World Wide Web due to a computer (AI) error. I am currently compiling the information again and will offer it in e-book format in the future. The first part about "raw food doctors" is already online and will be presented below. More will follow shortly.

Raw Food Doctors & HP
GermanyGoesRaw Part 1
In this e-book (pdf format) raw food doctors are presented who use a vegan, organic and raw food diet for mild to severe illnesses or who are open to raw food nutrition. Medical raw food pioneers are also presented who have documented first cases of recovery , such as the cancer doctor Dr. Max Gerson, Dr. Brian Clement, Dr. J.Mother, Dr. Probst and much more - Scope: approx. 240 pages incl. pioneer bonus
The e-book is currently still being edited/corrected and is daher offered at a reduced advance sale price for: € 14.99_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_incl. VAT (D) - pdf format for instant download.
Payment is processed via DigiStore24. Seller: Heike Michaelsen Parawdise LP – imprint