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Serafina meditation video stream

Serafina meditation video stream

GST Included

Video stream - online 
Visit to the Divine Star University of the Serafina -audio sample (click)


On this trip we will visit Serafina, one of the 144 Serafim. Together with this high-vibrating angel we enter the Divine University and may, if we wish, begin our training to become Intergalactic Masters. We will also bathe in the rainbow frequency and receive our personal star from Serafina.


Size of the pdf file: 1 pages with video link to stream the guided meditation online (animated music video)


    With this product you will receive a pdf file containing a link to an animated meditation video with music (the video is for online streaming / no video download). The video is available for at least one year. An active Internet connection is required to view/stream the video.  The video can be streamed as often as you like within the access time by the buyer of this product (only for the buyer and people in the same household, commercial use excluded).


    Digital products will be shipped by email upon receipt of payment. By submitting the order, the AGB's with right of withdrawaland diePrivacy Policy  recognized and confirmed. Contractors: Heike Michaelsen, Cosmic University, New Zealand. Email:
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    Wonderful beautiful Serafina Meditation. The star shines in my hand. Thinking about it makes my hands tingle. So powerful. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU, dear HEIKE. You are our ANGEL on EARTH. Maria Theresa

    Dear Heike, I have just done your Serafina meditation and I am still very connected to this wonderful, beautiful and energetic information from Serafina and the spiritual world. I thank you with all my heart. You are a wonderful person  an angel on earth, An

    Thank you for this high vibrational Serafine meditation. I ordered it right away, listened to it at night before going to bed and it was wonderful. Thanks very much. I feel very carried despite the material uncertainties here on earth. Much love, Jutta

    Dear Heike, your Serafina meditation is simply wonderful. Thank you so much Sandra

    Many many love 💝 Thanks Seraphina and also you for giving us this gift. 🌸 I had goosebumps after goosebumps. 🙏 Thank you, Margaret

    A wonderful and good morning, dear Heike, thank you very much, how wonderful and touching. Dear Serafina, thank you very much for the wonderful singing and the star. Much love and for the good of all life. angela

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Heike, for your divine messages to help and support the ascent. the seraphim have been with me since the beginning of my existence... your wonderful words of meditation have touched me deeply, and especially when singing it was like coming home.... Even as a child I was always found singing and this in a "gibberish" as my mother used to say !! I felt even then that this was the voice of my soul. Since I found you, dear Heike, this soul language and singing has returned and I need it in my healing treatments. thank you thank you thank you, you great soul for your divine work and being. With infinite love and connectedness I greet you from soul to soul, from heart to heart. Seraphim 11/11

    This light and these frequencies are heavenly. It can hardly be described, such a clear, powerful, light-filled meditation. I felt dissolved and interwoven in this light, an indescribable feeling. As does Serafina's work and the universal gift! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Heike, wonderful. RS

    I feel indescribably kissed on the soul by the divine 🔥🔥🔥 1000 THANKS for your incredibly high vibrating videos.. for me you are a heavenly sorceress 😍🤗🥰..May you too bathe in the honey-golden light & stay nourished by it....🙏.. LOVE TO YOU FROM MY SOUL, Moni

    THANK YOU Heike ❤ The full version, a wonderful guided tour with the 12th dimension. ❤ I like the Seraphim, I am particularly attracted to Seraphina's "sister", SERAPHISA. ❤ This massive love she gives is overwhelming for me and makes me burst into tears. ❤ I wish you a nice evening ❤ THANK YOU, Harald

    Dearest Heike..I saw so much light & as always I can't thank you enough for this truly heavenly experience!!!!! I feel so MUCH BLESSED as if the Divine Himself had kissed me right in the middle of my soul---!! I never know how you even manage to vibrate SOO high, that you can transport these valuable energies so crassly - how do you do it, that you not only receive them, but also send them to me..? Because I myself often find my own vibration so disturbed that I can hardly imagine that it can be because of me as the receiver? I'm already trying very hard to keep my good energies and my dearest wish is to ascend without having to go back into duality again... maybe I'll open my soul very wide for these delicious energy transmissions... I send you my deepest gratitude and Love from soul to soul.. GOD´s BLESS!!!!!!!! Moni

    How beautiful the sound and the play of colors, thank you very much, dear Heike. 🙏💐🌺🐶🐱🍀💝🦄 Gisela with Vincent and Marguerite

    Dear Heike - heartfelt thanks for the wonderful and light-filled meditation. The high notes feel so heavenly and full of lightness. I am totally inspired and deeply touched. Kind regards, Monica

    Pure goosebumps 🌟 Teresa

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