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Lemuria healing journeys

Lemuria healing journeys

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pdf reading sampleWith your purchase you will get access to the below animated video meditations with music for streaming online via a pdf eBook.


    pdf booklet with video links to stream online.

    In this exercise e-book we will learn how to travel through the dimensions with our personal unicorn on meditative astral journeys. In addition, various Lemurian healing journeys and tools from the Golden Age are presented. On the one hand, these can serve us in the integration of high frequencies of the light body, on the other hand, they are also suitable for cleaning the domestic and physical astral planes. The book also contains meditation links to animated journeys accompanied by music, spoken by Heike Michaelsen.

    from the content: (with video links to stream online)

    • Welcome home 4:10 min.

    • Lemuria memories 17:23 min.

    • Light bath exercise video 1:09:56

    • Healing Stream Central Sun 4:00 min.

    • Message of the Central Sun 10:59 min.

    • Frequencies solar network 15:47 min.

    • Light body part 1 to 3 / stages, purification, planetary milestones approx. 30 min.

    • Introduction to "Cosmic Travel" 11:59 with group instruction 2:15

    • Timeline change 11:44 min.

    • Exercise video Oceanic depths 37:35 min.

    • Healing bath in the Urquelle and zero point field exercise video 27:48 min.

    • Golden Gate of Light 4:00 min.

    • Earth healing exercise video approx. 20 min.

    • Three Magical Keys 2:22 min.

    Please note that a few videos that have been compiled into this e-book have also appeared on my YouTube channel.

    Scope: 80 pages DIN A4 in pdf format for immediate download.


    Digital products will be shipped by email upon receipt of payment. By submitting the order, the AGB's with right of withdrawaland diePrivacy Policy  recognized and confirmed.

    With this product you will receive a pdf file containing a link to the animated meditation videos with music (the video is for online streaming / no video download). The video is available for an indefinite period - guaranteed for at least one year. An active internet connection is required to view/stream the video online. The video can be streamed as often as desired by the purchaser of this product within the access time (only for the purchaser and persons in the same household, commercial use excluded).

    Contractors: Heike Michaelsen, Cosmic University, New Zealand. Email:
    VAT for online events/digital products is 0% in New Zealand. Please note that the forwarding of the digital products is not permitted for copyright reasons of third parties .

  • Excerpt from the feedback:

    Dear Heike, it was so real. As I was flooded with the orange-gold light in the pillar of light, I felt an ache release to the left of the root chakra and I cried. Thank you for this wonderful meditation that came at just the right time for me and which I will continue to do. With you everything fits for me and I can let myself go. Hilde

    Soooooooo a profound wonderful journey with the dragon of the high powerful golden energies of Archangel Metatron and your light-filled unique energy ️ A beautiful combination, Gisela

    By believing in us dragons and speaking our name aloud, the spell that has held us captive for so long has broken. The more of us know, the more we can go back to your world. And this is more important than ever during this time!!!" -   received by Ulrike

    What a wonderful energy. My whole body vibrated, tingling and goosebumps all over my body. I was flooded with golden light, saw and felt every single cell filled with it. I was suddenly a golden angel in the ray of light myself with beautiful golden wings. Indescribably beautiful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Serano

    It was incredibly beautiful. Words about it: Delicacy, gentleness, playful, lively, supple, gentle, powerful, joyful, purposeful, benevolent, even grateful and ..... It was beautiful Namasté, Maja

    This meditation was very impressive and reached me deep in my heart and moved me to tears. It gave me a lot of strength. THANKS. Love, Christina

    Such a deep loving journey - thank you thank you thank you ️ Light and love to all beings When we love who we are there is nothing insurmountable, nothing unattainable. There is no greater purpose in life than to live for love and self-fulfillment. Nicole

    It was adorable, as always. I had such a pleasant and warming tingling sensation all over my body the whole time. Had to come back to this spot a couple of times to bathe in golden energy. valerie

    I can hardly find words to express my TOUCHED BEING!! I THANK you in solidarity for your so warm-hearted passing on of your knowledge and the meditations.

    Again a very nice meditation with beautiful pictures. This gentle way is like a relaxing vacation at this time. Thank you. Marko

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