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Essen evening meditations

Essen evening meditations

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pdf reading sample evening meditations - for the audio sample click on the 2nd picture. With your purchase you will get access to the below animated video meditations with music for streaming online via a pdf eBook.


    E-book in pdf format with meditative video links to stream online.

    Meditations to reconnect with nature & cosmos

    The e-book contains links to animated music meditations for online streaming.

    In this e-book with links to animated music meditations, the meditation techniques of the Essenes, passed down thousands of years ago, are presented in a modern form. The speaker and author of the e-book, Heike Michaelsen, has been practicing the connection, the so-called communions, for many years. Every day in the evening she connects with the cosmic spiritual elements of the Heavenly Father. In this way, one can very easily be guided back to one's true self and our inherent purpose in life. Scope: e-book with approx. 100 pages including bonus video links to wonderfully animated music meditations.

    • Angel of Power Meditation 10:12 min.

    • Angel of Love Meditation 12:23 min.

    • Angel of Wisdom Meditation 14:35 min.

    • Angel of Creative Work Meditation 11:25 min.

    • Angel of Eternal Life Meditation 11:12 min.

    • Angel of Peace Meditation 12:30 min.

    • Angel of the Heavenly Father 10:53 min.

    • Bonus Introduction "Angels of Cosmos & Nature" 14:17 min.

    • Bonus intro "The Wisest Book" 17:06 min.

    • Bonus: Peace meditation of a primitive people 2:53 min.

    • Bonus: God Speaks 3:15 min.

    • Bonus: God's Eternal Love 1:35 min.

    • Bonus: MotherOur 7:47 min.

    • Bonus: Goodness for us 12:11 min.

    Please note: the e-book is currently still being edited or corrected and is therefore offered at a reduced price.


    Digital products will be shipped by email upon receipt of payment. By submitting the order, the AGB's with right of withdrawaland diePrivacy Policy  recognized and confirmed.

    With this product you will receive a pdf file containing a link to the animated meditation videos with music (the video is for online streaming / no video download). The video is available for an indefinite period - guaranteed for at least one year. An active internet connection is required to view/stream the video online. The video can be streamed as often as desired by the purchaser of this product within the access time (only for the purchaser and persons in the same household, commercial use excluded).

    Contractors: Heike Michaelsen, Cosmic University, New Zealand. Email:
    VAT for online events/digital products is 0% in New Zealand. Please note that the forwarding of the digital products is not permitted for copyright reasons of third parties .

  • Excerpt from the feedback:

    • You make my heart sing, your heavenly voice gives us the certainty, here we are at home with God, it is an exchange of soul shimmers of light, Hildegard
    • This meditation with this voice and these words is like a caress for my soul. Secure in strength with the confidence of a good new day.
    • I feel lovingly embraced by our star siblings the earth mother & the heaven father Now I can glide into the realm of dreams with a pleasant feeling of security and wake up strengthened I love your Essene writings in the modern world. Gisela
    • What a lovely end to the day, Anna


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