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Avalon Voyages pdf e-book with video links

Avalon Voyages pdf e-book with video links

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With this product you will receive an e-book in pdf format with links to animated meditation videos with music (videos to stream online / no video download).

  • Travel to Avalon

    Length of the e-book: approx. 20 pages (uncorrected first edition at a discounted advance sale price)
    including the following bonus links (online stream)


    1. Video: Journey to Avalon, a place now known as Glastonbury. We visit the magic gate to receive the high frequencies of the central sun. We then cross the lake to receive an initiation at the Avalon Temple. Length approx. 27:23 min.


    2. Video: The Dancing Wind of Avalon leads us to our ancestral family, also known as the Christ family. Length approx. 30 minutes


    3. Video / Bonus: Frequencies of Avalon with Lichtsprache 16:01 min.


    more bonus videos:
    Sacred Lake / Music Meditation 22:51 min.
    Holy Mountain / Instrumental Meditation 17:25 min.

    Avalon e-book with bonus video meditation to stream online.
    A pdf e-book links to animated meditation videos cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d that are accompanied by music. The videos cannot be downloaded.  The links are under some images in the e-book.


    Please note that this e-book is a discounted draft edition that has not yet been proofread and may contain clerical errors in the text. The meditation is provided as a pdf e-book and can be downloaded to the end device in the coming days. Digital products will be shipped by email upon receipt of payment. By submitting the order, the AGB's with right of withdrawaland diePrivacy Policy  recognized and confirmed. Contractors: Heike Michaelsen, Cosmic University, New Zealand. Email:
    VAT for online events/digital products is 0% in New Zealand and is reported accordingly. Forwarding the digital products or providing access data to people who do not live in the same household is not permitted.

  • Comments on Meditation

    • Deeply touched by this dance with the wind of Avalon through time and into the depths of my being. Speechless. Thank you, thank you, thank you.Martina

    • ❤️Thank you dear Heike for this profound Avalon meditation. This morning I felt really connected to my original family Anna, Maria and Joseph and of course to Jesus Christ and Maria Magdalena. It became clear to me deep down that this is my tribe, my lineage. I also knew this in my head before, but now I feel this truth in my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you dear Heike, Renate

    • Dear Heike. 🌟 That is WONDERFUL and amazing. 💫🙏🦄 Exactly what you said about Mary Magdalene, Jeshua, Mary and Joseph, about Avalon and that we are the descendants of you, I shared with my friends today at the summer solstice bonfire. What synchronicity. 💫🙏💫 The new time is here and we, the descendants of the holy family, are back in our strength. The seed has been caught. 💫🙏🦬 What a blessing. I feel deep gratitude 🌹💖 Warm regards from Anja

    • Thank you, dear Heike, for the possibility of reconnecting. The music did the rest. We have lain there before and connected to Mother Earth and Father Sky... ..I could feel it...we are all a part of each other, of the big picture......exactly 5 years ago today I met 'my' loved one, with whom I once attended meditation in Avalon. When we meet again is in the stars, we are always connected. Best wishes to everyone and once again thank you, thank you, thank you, Gabriele

    • Thank you very much dear Heike for this beautiful meditation journey from the dancing wind of Avalon at the summer solstice today. It is so powerful and intense with so much light ☀️ and love. Thank you very much for that. You always do the meditations very well. Thanks. I wish you a wonderful lightful ☀️ summer solstice with lots of light ☀️ and love   and peace✨ Ingrid

    • Thank you dear Heike, it was incredibly nice to be in this connection, I was in tears right from the start 🙏🌈😇🤗 it felt like I was there and everything was very calm, easy and loving 💫 Kind regards, it feels so infinitely good...

    • So nice I just made this Avalon reconnection from you dearest Heike, thank you from the bottom of my heart... So wonderful, Silvia

    • It was so great! A very special Light Transmission! Thank you thank you thank you! Marie

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