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The Seven Paths of Peace

Introduction to the Peace Meditations 

peace meditations

Despite the crisis and stress, peacefully throughout the day


In this e-book, the meditation techniques of the Essenes, handed down thousands of years ago, are presented in a modern form. The author of the e-book, Heike Michaelsen, has been practicing the connection, the so-called communions, for many years. Every day she connects with the elements of nature and the cosmos, which are connected at noon on the seven-fold path. In this way, one can very easily be guided back to one's true self and our inherent purpose in life. 


Please note: The e-book is currently still being corrected and is therefore not entirely error-free. Due to demand, however, it is already being offered at a discounted price. Many thanks to everyone who has already supported this project with a purchase at this point.

Introductory price: €29.99 incl. VAT - (e-book in pdf format)


Payment is processed via DigiStore24. Seller: Heike Michaelsen / Parawdise LP – imprint


The e-book contains links to animated music meditations to stream online for 1 year:

Introduction 15:56 min.

Peace with the body 18:31 min.

Peace with the Spirit 5:37 min.

Peace with the Heart & Family 5:08 min.

Peace with Humanity 6:27 min.

Peace with Ancient Cultures, Wisdom 8:26 min.

Peace with the Earth Mother 9:29 min.

Peace with Heavenly Father 6:21 min.

Afterword to the Sevenfold Peace Path 5:56 min.

Feedback on Peace Meditation:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful 🕊meditation. She helped me a lot to find my inner peace in and with me and my self, in the NOW. May it be the same for many, many people, because with love and peace in our hearts, we will survive crises in the future and be able to offer all like-minded people peaceful coexistence on this planet. Kerstin

Your words touched me so deeply that it completely silenced me. But my soul understood every note. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤ for this moving video, which is a great harmonious sound for all awakened souls. Through these "Essen Scriptures" may the divine energy spread into earthly hearts, this morning and forever. Thank you Ramona

Such a wonderful gift dear Heike, which just deeply touched my ❤ and my soul. 🙏 That's exactly the way, the reconnection to our divine self - Evelyn

peace with mankind

In times of crisis, we often only find peace within ourselves. Live this peace in every situation, and also with the lost children who are not yet working for the divine. This can be government officials and business enterprises as well as your own family members, friends or acquaintances.

If anyone around you is open to these teachings, share this information with them. If they are not yet open, let them go with love and practice patience. Everyone will one day return to the source from which we were born.

Text from the Essener Scriptures, which were only translated from the secret libraries of the Vatican about 100 years ago.

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