Lemurian Healing Journeys
With the unicorns through the cosmos
In this exercise e-book we will learn how to travel through the dimensions with our personal unicorn on meditative astral journeys. In addition, various Lemurian healing journeys and tools from the Golden Age are presented. On the one hand, these can serve us in the integration of high frequencies of the light body, on the other hand, they are also suitable for cleaning the domestic and physical astral planes. The book also contains meditation links to animated journeys accompanied by music, spoken by Heike Michaelsen.
Scope: 80 pages DIN A4 in pdf format for immediate download.
Advance sale: EUR 29.99 incl. VAT (D) - other countries different.

The e-book has not yet been edited and proofread. For this reason it is offered with bonus material at a reduced price.
Payment is processed via DigiStore24. Seller: Heike Michaelsen – imprint
from the content: (with video links to stream online)
Welcome home 4:10 min.
Lemuria memories 17:23 min.
Light bath exercise video 1:09:56
Healing Stream Central Sun 4:00 min.
Message of the Central Sun 10:59 min.
Frequencies solar network 15:47 min.
Light body part 1 to 3 / stages, purification, planetary milestones approx. 30 min.
Introduction to "Cosmic Travel" 11:59 with group instruction 2:15
Timeline change 11:44 min.
Exercise video Oceanic depths 37:35 min.
Healing bath in the Urquelle and zero point field exercise video 27:48 min.
Golden Gate of Light 4:00 min.
Earth healing exercise video approx. 20 min.
Three Magical Keys 2:22 min.
Please note that a few videos that have been compiled into this e-book have also appeared on my YouTube channel.
The memory awakens