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Recommended stores

Discount campaigns and top tips

Again and again I am asked where I get my vegan raw food products. For this reason, the following are listed online shops that I have bought from for many years and which I can highly recommend. Some of the recommendation links are affiliates. If you use these links, you support me with a small "commission" that I receive from the shop. You will not incur any additional costs.

Algae Ancient Medicine

The No. 1 superfood & dietary supplement, ua for a strong nervous system, contains bioavailable vitamin B12, all B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, omega 3 and a variety of minerals. In times of extremes, it also supports the nervous system and is considered THE PRIME MEDICINE from the sea.

Superfoods, wild plants

Best vegan superfoods and wild herb products from the health expertsMarkus Rothkranz.

spiritual journey

Relaxing meditations and out of body experiences in a peaceful world.

Raw nuts, almonds, superfoods & fruits, dried fruits and much more

Topfruit has been one of the leading online shops for nuts, almonds, dry fruits, superfoods in raw food quality for many years

10% discount code on the first order: 9AC598B2
Vegan shop with a selection of raw vegetables, energy products, algae, etc.

Raw Food Devices

superfood shop

Superfoods and raw food products

Superfoods, algae and much more

Green Pearls 1.5% Discount Code:28Zdn87Gxq

For the ecological and esmog-armen Clearlight sauna cabins there is a 100 euro discount with the codeRAW100- ecological product, wood from sustainable forestry.


Best mobile water filters for on the go, without electricity. Alkaline active water ionizer.

Shop from the Landkaufhaus Meyer

5% discount codeRAWfor barley grass juice powder, superfoods, vegan raw food products and more

raw food appliances and more

5% discount code:goraw

infrared heater

There is a 5% discount on the low-esmog Aurora IR emitters with the codeRAW5

Kopp publishing house

Books that open your eyes

Kopp-Verlag offers bestsellers as well as a series of special books that can expand awareness. There are also some superfoods in the program.

rung course

with Angelika Furstler

In times of crisis, many people worry about stockpiling. Sprouting seeds, which can be activated with water at any time, are particularly good. In this affordable online course, you will learn how to easily turn sprouts into pure life force.

Rabatte und Empfehlungen

Discount campaigns and top tips

Again and again I am asked where I get my vegan raw food products. For this reason, the following are listed online shops that I have bought from for many years and which I can highly recommend. Some of the recommendation links are affiliates. If you use these links, you support me with a small "commission" that I receive from the shop. You will not incur any additional costs.

Algae Ancient Medicine

The No. 1 superfood & dietary supplement, ua for a strong nervous system, contains bioavailable vitamin B12, all B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, omega 3 and a variety of minerals. In times of extremes, it also supports the nervous system and is considered THE PRIME MEDICINE from the sea.

Superfoods, wild plants

Best vegan superfoods and wild herb products from the health expertMarkus Rothkranz.


Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zum Detox von Schwermetallen & Co.

spiritual journey

Relaxing meditations and out of body experiences in a peaceful world.

Raw nuts, almonds, superfoods & fruits, dried fruits and much more

Topfruit has been one of the leading online shops for nuts, almonds, dry fruits, superfoods in raw food quality for many years

Raw Food Devices

Vegan shop with a selection of raw vegetables, energy products, algae, etc.

superfood shop

Superfoods and raw food products


Frequenz-Produkte zur Harmonisierung von Körper und Umfeld, die ich selbst verwende.


Best mobile water filters for on the go, without electricity. Alkaline active water ionizer.

infrared heater

For the ecological and esmog-armen Clearlight sauna cabins there is a 100 euro discount with the codeRAW100- ecological product, wood from sustainable forestry.



Unterstütze meine Projekte, indem du für deine Einkäufe bei amazon meinen Link verwendest. Auf diese Weise erhalte ich eine kleine Provision. Für dich entstehen keine Kosten.


superfood shop

Dietary supplements and superfoods from the USA

raw food appliances and more

5% discount code:goraw

Kopp publishing house

Books that open your eyes

Kopp-Verlag offers bestsellers as well as a series of special books that can expand awareness. There are also some superfoods in the program.

Shop from Landkaufhaus Meyer

5% discount codeRAWfor barley grass juice powder, superfoods, vegan raw food products and more

There is a 5% discount on the low-esmog Aurora IR emitters with the codeRAW5

rung course

with Angelika Furstler

In times of crisis, many people worry about stockpiling. Sprouting seeds, which can be activated with water at any time, are particularly good. In this affordable online course, you will learn how to easily turn sprouts into pure life force.

DISCLAIMER: Alle Inhalte dieser Website, der darauf verlinkten Informationen, Videos und Sprachnachrichten der themenbezogenen Telegramkanäle sind unter Vorbehalt und können Fehler enthalten. Sie sind keine Heilaussagen oder Heilversprechen. Die Diagnose und Therapie von Erkrankungen und anderen körperlichen Störungen erfordert die Behandlung durch Ärzte/Ärztinnen oder Heilpraktiker. Die Informationen in Video, Erfahrungsberichten, Links, Texten und Sprachnachrichten sind ausschließlich informativ, sie sollen nicht als Ersatz für eine ärztliche Behandlung genutzt werden. Das mit einer ggf. falschen Eigendiagnose oder Eigenbehandlung verbundene Risiko kann nur durch die Einbeziehung eines Arztes oder einer Ärztin bzw. eines Therapeuten verringert werden. Wie jede Wissenschaft ist die Naturheilkunde ständigen Entwicklungen unterworfen. Jeder Benutzer ist angehalten, durch sorgfältige Prüfung und gegebenenfalls nach Konsultation eines Therapeuten festzustellen, ob die gegebenen Empfehlungen und Richtwerte im konkreten Fall zutreffend sind. Jede Dosierung, Anwendung oder Therapie erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr des Benutzers. Die bereitgestellten Informationen dienen der Aufklärung und sind nicht als medizinischer Rat oder als Ersatz für den medizinischen Rat eines Arztes oder einer anderen qualifizierten medizinischen Fachkraft gedacht. Wir haben nicht das Ziel eine Krankheit oder Erkrankung zu diagnostizieren, zu behandeln, zu verhindern oder zu heilen. Konsultiere immer einen Arzt oder anderes medizinisches Fachpersonal, um medizinischen Rat oder Informationen über Diagnose und Behandlung zu erhalten. Jeder ist für sein Handeln selbst verantwortlich.

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